Vulture Conservation

Kazhuguparvai - A Vulture Exhibition at Bannari

Date: April 5, 2012
Venue: Bannariamman Temple, Sathyamanglam Wildlife Sanctuary
Organisers:  Arulagam and Care Earth
Target group: Visitors of Temple festival and Nature lovers
Purpose: To spread awareness about Vultures and treats due to Diclofenac drug and poisoning of carcass.
Medium: Exhibits, personal interaction and printed materials.
Fund / Collaboration : CEPF

'Kazhuguparvai 2012' exhibition was held in Bannari recently to highlight the importance of saving vultures as they feed on dead animals and act as scavengers of forests. Because of the widespread usage of Diclofenac, a pain killer for Cattle and shortage of dead animals in the city and fringes of forest, vultures are confined to a certain pocket of Sigur plateau.

It seems vulture in the region had survived the Diclofenac impact by feeding on carcasses present in the wild. Arulagam, a not-for-profit organization along with Care Earth is working in Sigur plateau towards the conservation of viable population of vultures.

As part of the effort, an exhibition is being put up at Bannari Amman temple in Sathyamangalam Wildlife Sanctuary for the people owing to 'Kundam' festival. The stall includes a size model of vulture sitting on a tree and various posters depicting their importance in the ecosystem and noose lingering over its head.

The stall was declared opened by Dr.Jegan Mohan, Veterinary Doctor, Government Hospital, Irumboray in the presence of Mr.Sadasivam, Forest Range Officer, Bhavani Sagar. Bharathidasan and his team arranged the function.

The people visiting the stall were pleasantly surprised with the vulture replica as they've become extinct from villages and cities. The exhibition was be put up until Apr 19.

On behalf of Arulagam, thanks to our team members namely,Lenin, Muthu Karthick, Prakash, Patrick, Venkatesh, Gowtham, Sudakar, Sampath Kumar for their support.

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News in Media

Expo on vultures highlights illegal use of banned drug - Times of India | Apr 14, 2012

'Arulagam' was founded in 2002 as a non-profit organisation in honour and memory of Mr. Arulmozhi, who inspired many of his friends, including ourselves – the members of Arulagam – through his commitment to environmental conservation. We believe that regardless of its value to humanity, every form of life and its ecosystem is unique.


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