Vulture Conservation

Vulture Conservation Exhibition at Kangayam Cattle Show

Cattle Fair: Vellakoil Date: 19 January, 2012
Venue: Pushpagiri Nagar; Karur Road, Vellakoil
Organisers: Arulagam and Senaapathy Kangayam Cattle Research Foundation, Kuttapalayam.
Target group: Cattle Owners and NGO's
Purpose of Visit: To make contacts and awareness about impact of Diclofenac on Vultures.
Medium: Announcement through Loudspeakers and personal interaction.
Fund / Collaboration : CEPF

Kangayam is a small town situated in Erode District and about 70 kms from our project area. Kangayam Cattle is a native breed of Kongu region. Kangayam is a hardy breed suitable for agricultural operations and hauling. Kangeyam cattles are very famous for bull fight (jallikattu) and ploughing in agricultural fields. Kangayam Cattle Show is organized to promote native breed. It's a congregation of cattle rearing farmers from around six districts namely, Erode, Karur, Dindugal, Tirupur, Namakkal and Coimbatore. The carnival was attended by around 300 cattle breeders.

We took this opportunity during the Kangayam Cattle Fair at Vellakoil to create awareness among the cattle rearing farmers about the harmful effects of diclofenac on vultures when cattle are administered with Diclofenac.

We also interacted with the farmers and held private conversation with them about Vultures and Diclofenac effect on vultures. Some of the participants have come from places which is in the periphery of forest. This arena has helped us in creating awareness among farmers about the ill-effects of Diclofenac on Vultures. Interacted with Mr. Karhtikeya, Managing Trustee, Senaapathy Kangayam Cattle Research Foundation and appraised him about the situation.

He assured full spreading awareness to the members of the " Kangayam cattle breeders society " and their trustees and willing to help in future endeavors.

{mosmap width='936'|height='400'|lat='10.945926'|lon='77.712556'|zoom='14'|mapType='Satellite'|text='Vellakoil, Tirupur District'|tooltip='DWO'|marker='1'|align='center'}


'Arulagam' was founded in 2002 as a non-profit organisation in honour and memory of Mr. Arulmozhi, who inspired many of his friends, including ourselves – the members of Arulagam – through his commitment to environmental conservation. We believe that regardless of its value to humanity, every form of life and its ecosystem is unique.


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